Last 2 weeks received 1 parcel from Mr.Postman..really surprised. Actually thats fr Ann (Shuenice & Chrysene's mummy). It's few of diapers sample for my baby. Thanks Ann....appreciated it very much..!!
Last weekend when we were at Malacca, we brought Ryan for his usual hair cut. Now we are not worried that he will scream or cry like a monster because he understands after i had explained to him why he need to cut his hair. Now he is happy & looking forward for his hair cut because after that the salon owner will give him some sweets or chocolate to comfort him.
Conversation between me & Ryan :
Me :Ryan...why u no more crying?? Ryan: because im big boy already Me : Ryan cry lah..... Ryan : Dont want... Me : Mummy ask aunty to cut your hair botak k...? Ryan :Dont botak is ugly...(hi hi me so surprised when he can answer me like tat..tats mean at his age now he know what the meaning of ugly...hi hi...)
After his hair cut
Ryan : Mummy so handsome boy..(ha ha this age also he know how to describe himself handsome...LOL)
Today i went for my antenaal check up again....everything ok....except my baby's gynea said now my baby in a breech position....but according to might turn her position again....hope so miracle will happen then my baby's head will turn down...then i will have chance to go for normal deliver...Pls...God....
I've been lazy lately for updating my blog...(almost 1 mnth plus....)maybe bcz of my pregnancy, tired & mostly my time occupied wth my little hero...hi hi & macam-macam...excuses...(101 excuses.....)
Actually for this pregnany my BP always low...easily to get tired,no appetite to eat(till nw me only gained 2 hu...) least gain 2 kg..if not sure next check up my gynea will make noise again..I noticed for this pregnancy is totally different wth my 1st pregnancy...maybe i carry a baby girl kua....(ha ha pls pray 4 me...)
Last week we went to Genting again. Ryan very happy & keep saying..mummy i want to sit "Eye on Malaysia" (he call Ferris Wheel is Eye on Malaysia) because we brought him ride an Eye of Malaysia before at Malacaa. On the 1st day we just walked around because by the time we reached, it is already 4.30pm. 2nd day (15/10)we bought an indoor theme park ticket (unlimited ride from 9am -12 mid nite), for adult is RM26, Ryan height already 90cm so his fare is RM24. It is really worth because we can spend the whole day there (if we just purchase per ride ticket is RM8 per person for 1 game, damn expensive). So on the 2nd day after took our breakfast,we started our ride as early as 9am. Ryan very happy n enjoyed all the games. For me (as pregnant lady..hi hi) i like Monorail & Venice Gondola so much so i can sit there n relaks (malas to walk n stand). The most i dont like is Carousel (the horses ride) cz keep turning & turning till me also feel dizzy. So for the horse ride i just let my hubby & Ryan enjoyed it..hi hi. Now life really different, every trip to Genting just think about Ryan...if last time mummy & daddy just rileks at hotel or else can try our luck at Casino..but since Ryan tagging along every trip to Genting, mummy & daddy need to forget at all about hu...
Last weekend went to Metro Jaya Fest at Mid Valley. The offer is up to 70%, so i cannot tahan myself to grab few Ryan's stuff. The Poney T-shirt really worth to buy because after 70% discount the price only RM15.90 each. The Poney jeans RM26.70,socks is RM6.95 then the puzzle is RM10.
During Raya Holiday last month my mum came to KL with my niece and we went to my brother's house at JB. We left KL early on Saturday morning (4.30am)and by 8am we reached my brother's house at Taman Perling. The traffic was smooth. Among the few places that we went to was The Zon and Danga Bay. My brother wanted to take us to the famous beef noodle in JB but unfortunately the shop was closed on that day.So we had to settled for steamboat at night. On the last day we went to Kota Tinggi Waterfall for is Ryan 1st ever visit to a waterfall..he was very excited & happily playing water with my niece & nephew. But he could only enjoyed it for awhile as it was starting to rain.
During our visit to MATTA Fair last month, Cruise Tasik Putrajaya has a booth where they offered promotion (50% discount for the ticket). The actual price is RM30 (with Mycard) but during promotion we only need to pay RM15 per-person and Ryan is FOC.We took the cruise with my mother and niece, when they came to KL during the Raya holidays. Since it's a puasa month (2 days before Raya), there is no much crowd, i only bout think 10 passengers in the cruise. The cruise is basically makes a tour around the man-made Putrajaya lake with a guide introducing us all the buildings and landmarks that we could see along the ride. The ride took us around 45 minutes and Ryan enjoyed it very much.
The boat is fully air-conditioned then come with 76 seats.
As the boat cruises past the many astonishing landmarks, so we can hop over to the decks and enjoy a fantastic feel from the rushing breeze.
I'm a happy & Stay at Home Mum (SAHM), a mother of 2...then a wife to my beloved & caring hubby.I can't imagine anything in this world which can bring more joy than seeing our little one grow, day after day